Fascinating food facts in Jordan
Every country has its own traditions, culture and beliefs. You need to have some back feed about the country you want to visit.
Although Jordan is a small country but it combines between civilians, peasants and Bedouins, the main reason of this combination is that Jordan has different Geographic areas. You will not feel bored when you visit Jordan, because each day you get to know a distinguished place, each place is influenced by different civilization. The Ottoman, Roman, Arabian Nabatean, and the Byzantine
Let us start with the food in Jordan, Jordan is a Muslim country, Muslims are forbidden to eat ham, or to drink alcoholic drinks, therefore it is hard to find a restaurant that serve ham or alcohol in Jordan, and only 5* hotels serve alcohol.
Most of the Jordanian dishes are based on rice. Jordanian food is very delicious, you do not have to worry about it and there are many traditional dishes, we will tell you about some of them.

Mansaf is the most popular Jordanian dish, it is made of rice, cooked yogurt, covered with almond, pine and parsley. Usually it is cooked with meat (lamp meat), sometimes it is cooked with chicken, but the real Jordanians do not accept cooking Mansaf with chicken, there is even a song called "Mansaf with chicken does not suit Jordanians", Mansaf is a very delecious dish with no doubt, but the first time you eat Mansaf, do not eat a large amount of it, because it is a fatty dish.
It is a Jordanian habit to eat mansaf every Friday.

The word "Maqloube" means upside down. The main reason of calling it Maqloube is that it is flipped upside down when it is served. When you cook it you put meat or it can be chicken, eggplant or cauliflower, some people put both of them, and then you add the rice, when it is flipped the meat and the vegetables will be above the rice.

It is originally a Palestinian dish, it is a bread covered with onions mixed with sumac, and pine filled with olive oil.

It is a local dish, originally it is a Turkish dish, opinions change from person to another, but you cannot find anybody who says that the “shawarma” is not delicious, all the people who tried the “Shawerma” agreed that it is very delicious, it is prepared as a wrap inside of a flat bread. It has two types, beef meet and chicken, it is served hot, with a garlic sauce, pickles and vegetables, usually people drink carbonated water or buttermilk with it.

It is crispy balls, made of "Humus" has an irresestable smell, once you smell it in the steet, you buy it unconsciously.

Humus is legumes, it is true that the Falafel is made of Humus, but they should be eaten together, combining Humus and Falafel makes the best flavor you can ever have,especially when you drink a cup of tea with them.
Fattet Humus

It is made of Hummus and bread with some of olive oil and lemon juice, covered with crunchy almonds, and sometimes we put some pine.
The Jordanians have a tradition about coffee, the Arabian coffee is very important in Jordan, it should be given to the guest using the right hand and poured from the coffee pot which has a distinguished shape, using the left hand.
Jordanians are known with their generosity and hospitality, if you were offered a cup of coffee by a Jordanian, and you were done with one cup, you need to swing the cup unless he will keep filling your cup.