“Learning a language is learning about the culture of the country”. Basically learning a language of others is the first step of learning there culture.
English is widely spoken in Jordan, most especially in the cities, however learning some basic Arabic words or phrases can help you with your cultural experience and interactions to the locals. Below are the few words and phrases that you can take down notes before travelling to Jordan.
Hello Salam / Marahaba
What is your name? Maa ismuk?
My name is Ismii
I’m fine, thank you Anaa bikhayr shukran
How much is this? Bekam hada? / Addesh Hada
Good Morning Sabah El-Khair
Good Evening Masaa Al-Khair
How are you? (to a man) Keef halak? (to a man)
How are you? (to a woman) Keef halek? (to a woman)
Thanks God (answer to “How are you?”) Al-Hamdolillah
Sorry Aasif
Thank you Shukran
Goodbye Ma’assalama
Excuse me Alaafw
Please Min Fadlik
You’re welcome Aafwan
I am sorry Arjuu Almaadhira
Do you speak English? Hal tatahaddath al’ingiliiziyya?
Expensive Ghali
Beautiful Jameel/Helow
Yes Na’am/ Aaywa
No La’a
Left Yameen
Right Shemal
Straight Doghree
Toilet Hammam
Where is the toilet? ‘ayn alhamam
Restaurant Mat’am
Hotel Fondoq